FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy bad guy Francisco /MOC Reptiles
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Old 05-08-2019, 11:28 AM   #9
Emery Aranda
Originally Posted by MOC REPTILES View Post
Hahaha this guy got destroyed on fauna when he said what happened, I didn’t even have to say anything there. He made a fool of himself, and just disappeared afterwards...kids...

Kids? Lmao. I bet you’d poop your pants if I walked into your store.
I proved your lil buddy’s accusation of me having a “freezer full” or dead animals because of negligence or bad husbandry wrong. At least that’s how she tried portraying it, and I’m not surprised, she surfs all of fauna and doesn’t do anything else... I see her name more than anyone else’s on here. You’d think she’s the owner. But she didn’t even know the details and still tried to make false accusations.

Now that you don’t have that for ammo, I’m sure you guys will still hammer in “it took you a month to go to the vet!?”

Good f*cking lord. I work 2 jobs. Not retired like you Lucille first off. I’m 20 years old, own a 6 bedroom house and live in San Diego. If you have any idea how expensive it is living down here, you’d understand why i work 2 jobs. That’s why it took so long. Because vets aren’t open 24/7 and sometimes they are booked. I was trying to make appointments less than a month after receiving the dragon, but the first available time to get in and get all the antibiotics wasn’t until the time listed on the sheet. I still got it diagnosed before then. I was still sure something was wrong long before then. I was trying to message MOC before then as well.
Again it took him 13 days to reply to my original message. He was ignoring me. So I tried using over the counter medication and was studying his illness so I could possibly avoid going to the vet, since at the time the problems weren’t as extreme and I thought maybe it was something I could take care of.

Call me an irresponsible pet owner for that, but I was just trying to avoid spending another couple hundred dollars after spending over a rack and not getting any help from this guy. Fortunately the vet bill wasn’t as high as I anticipated, but it’s not like I just waited until 5 weeks after I got the frilled and said “oh shit let’s go to the vet”. No I had been trying to get ahold of MOC long before, had known some issue was going on after 1 week.

After the first week, I went to LLL to see if they had medication for mouth rot, RI, or yellow fungus. They did have over the counter stuff for mouth rot (didn’t work) but besides that, they said to increase temps to cause an artificial fever which should help with the RI but that didn’t help either.

I’ve never once claimed to be a reptile expert-but I don’t think you guys are either.
In fact when MOC finally started replying, he was trying to give me home remedies instead of telling me to go straight to the vet. And giving his possible ideas as why the frilled may be having issues.

So don’t act like I’m some non caring idiot. It wasn’t horrific looking at first but symptoms were there. I didn’t know how to spot the symptoms like someone who’s experienced and dealt with these illlness’ in the past. But that’s why I tried taking matters into my own hand. Because I personally wanted to save money, and because I wanted the seller to finally reply- which he did. And he advised me to try and care for it myself. He didn’t even mention going to the vet to save it. Once I saw that these home remedies weren’t working though, I managed to get time off work and go to the vet.

And before you kiss his butt some more- Him responding and giving his input on the situation is not great customer service [emoji2359] any and all breeder should be there to help and give you advice even long after purchase. That’s standards not going above and beyond.

Like how you made it sound like he was doing me a favor by offering me another for a lower price. He was doing that because he wanted to make another sale. Not because he wants to help me or the sickly frilled I already received out. How would another frilled dragon help out the one I already got.

And why would he offer me a frilled dragon for $200 less (he claims the female is like $700 less[emoji2359]) vs just selling those and making the $200-$700 profit and just helping pay the $120 vet bill. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it a million times since you two like to repeat yourselves as well- IT’S BECAUSE HE DOESN’T CARE ABOUT THE SICK FRILLED. It’s out of his store and he couldn’t care less if it died now... But he saw this as an opportunity to make another sale off me. Why would I want to spend another almost thousand dollars just to possibly receive another sickly frilled? And if that one arrived sick I’m sure he’d deny it being his fault as well.

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