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Thread: A few ?s
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Old 01-05-2005, 05:45 PM   #2

The whole arument about cages is simple, here are the two best cages on the market. They are exactly the same:
<img src="http://members.aol.com/chondrosforsale/cagee.jpg">
<img src="http://members.aol.com/chondrosforsale/tub.jpg">

Well they function the same, I dident mean looks. I personally use both, and will put a 7000 animal in a tub no problem. Its just the acrylic is 200 and the tub is 3, which ever you like.

First, feeding each animal is a pain in the a$$. If you have ever had to unlock emeralds from the same prey item it is a very unenjoyable experience, and never ends well.
Second, the diasese factor is a major problem. No matter how healty you emmy may appear they can harbor illness for a number of months not showing any sign and them bam you have a full blown terminal resp. infection. That sucks loosing one animal but loosing two animals sucks alot more, alot more.
Thrid, It makes keeping good records impossible. You never know who shat when and makes a fecal analysis un-reliable.

When sexing, trust the breeder, if you go to a experienced breeder he should be able to guide you on the right path. It is not a perfect science but looking at tail lengh, spurs, and how the animal is situated can give good indications of sex. Always remember no one is perfect and we all make mistakes, but for the most part there are clear indicators of sex at 2 months of age.
