FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Lucille
Thread: Bad Guy Lucille
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Old 05-20-2019, 03:33 AM   #12
What’s funny, is right now little Nicky is working on sending me
an infraction. Lol - so he can feel some authority with his volunteer work. And Lucille is wondering why am I calling her so big and powerful? Lol - and all
The little elf’s are texting each other - saying how do we get Chris? Lol - let me help clear this up, you’ve done everything you can to get Chris, and you’ve only provided PR that has proven valuable.

And also, I’m bigger and stronger than you, I’m smarter than you, I have a reason to live and exist. Thriving business’, and ventures. I have it all. And despite your little, discreet attempts to try to “outdo me” - the facts are, you cannot.

All you can do is go on this sight, and further ruin it. I see ppl can post again, because nobody was willing to pay.

This is a note to the owner ....... I’ve heard good things about you. I don’t know you. I don’t want to know you. Yes, you have lost a VERY powerful platform on your website, because you allowed disgusting, lifeless, clueless, desperate trolls to tell you how to run your business, and for that, you have lost a lot. I’ve heard, a whole lot.

But, it’s never to late, if you can shake these ticks off your BOI. And run it your way, or hire someone with business management skills to help you. I believe you can be salvaged. But everyone automatically associates Fauna with Lucille. And that’s like saying everyone associates Fauna with being shot in the head. I mean, she literally make folks want to die -
So why have her as your mascot? I just don’t get it. And you have acknowledged your failing, and here I am, telling you why!

I know many many ppl in this community, and, well I will not repeat how the community views Lucille, because it’s beyond vulgar, vermin, and foul. Then she gathers her little puppets to hang up on someone, and still, she is just a no life, low life, piece of shit.

Go ahead little Nicky, block me. Fauna is a sinking ship anyhow, and maybe you can flex your little muscles as a volunteer in your mother’s basement. But just remember, your still a loser, even folks you believe are friend, have made no attempts to cover the fact, you are a loser, and Lucille is your puppet master.

So carry on, I’m signing off. Don’t make any deranged attempts to track me down and lure me back on. Yeah, yeah, go on and talk about how amazing you guys are to each other, pat each other on the back, and try to make each other feel better from my giving you a big does or the truth.

And hopefully you can form a little, you know, support group for vermin trolls. Lucille -
I can honestly say you disgust me beyond words, you are the nastiest, most misleading, deceiving, ghastly, disgusting, gag reflex activating, most vile form of animal
life I have ever encountered. May you continue your work, in lying, and cheating, and volunteering your own time, to humiliate innocent people, and work hard to make folks feel like their life is not meaningful, or valuable. Your not a head doctor, your observations and “diagnoses” are often the most deranged and most fucked up opinions I’ve ever heard. One thing is for sure, you suffer from every mental anguish ever known to the rat species of which you come from.

When you come here, next, and start rambling on like the dumb senseless old bitch you are - like you have all the answers, and you have it all figured out, and you have your little mommas basement puppets supporting you. Just remember, at the end of the day, everyday, and forever, the very few folks who may think of you, will only remember an old washed up disgusting vermin. Well, never mind Lucille, what am I saying - fact is, nobody does now, or will ever think of you. Or care what kind of total bullshit you have spewed from your disgusting old pie hole.

Have a good day now, and ta ta!!