FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Legalities of Fish & Game Regulations
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Old 01-06-2005, 07:57 PM   #7
This is gonna be a interesting thread..

He has already spoken to Wes Pollock of Los Angeles and he has told him, as Warden Simpson told me, "if you're not a government entity, don't call me.

Wes, is this true, did the warden tell you this? Why did you Omit that in all your posts??

I have done my part, and in return I expect everyone so interestingly involved in this case to follow up with their moderator-allowed deragatory statements and prejudice
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I give it 5 minutes before they start bombarding you with more questions and such!!!

I still don't have an address. Of course, you're not man enough to provide such information.
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I wonder if Wes will actually give you his address so you two can "TALK" this thing over, but I highly doubt it.

Pete, I dont know what actually happened between you and adam or if anyone else will ever know. I do think you should have been more honest and forth coming right out of the gate... It would have saved all of us from reading a few hundred posts and most of all swelling Wes's head some more because it did seem you were proving him right by all the question dodging. What you did was wrong and I hope you learned from it and hope that for your sake and the sake of everyone in the hobby you dont do it again. (it would be pretty stupid to do it again with all these "eyes" watching you.). I do hope you turn out to be a good guy because we have way too many bad guys around these days. If its true what you said concerning warden simpson and you worked things out then good for you, if it isnt then you should before its too late.I dont know who was lying or telling the truth, so i will not make an idiot of myself but rather sit back and watch the event unfold, things usually clear up over time and the truth always comes out.

Wes..Are you gonna give him that addy??