FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Craig Martin
Thread: Bad Guy Craig Martin
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Old 08-10-2019, 08:58 PM   #40
Craig martin
Originally Posted by Chris Kennard View Post
Show where he "exploded". I HATE melodramatics. I think you are outside on a windy night waving a huge red flag of your own!
Last time im posting about this. If anyone supports this guy when he only produced 7 eggs using 2 hets trying to make a double recessive animal. You imput is void. 7 eggs is nothing. If you support him because i changed the deal. You are void again. Because there was alot of talking don over the phone. Not to mention that it is clear if you read ALL the texts that HE FIRST SAID HE WASNT GOING TO SHIP ON THAT DAY!! NOT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No breeder would have said to him in that moment ok ill ship first with your tail between your legs. i WAS DOING HIM A FAVOR !! I didnt have to . Especially AFTER HE BURNED ME ON THE DEAL PRIOR TO THIS HAPPENING. Thats why i say you all are A JOKE. So you have to use someone else identity to post . I dont care how you want to try and cover the truth. Its me that makes the choice to help you or not. In the past you screwed me and yes you did say you were out of the deal and left me high and dry. I dont need everyone else to believe me. I have a great reputation for helping people out. I have done it for you. I was doing it for you even after you backed out and changed your mind. But you fail to realize is that You dont tell me how im going to help you. All you did was mistook my kindness for weakness. Which landed you with a perfectly good adult proven albino sd female for pennies to the dollar. So instead of complaining. you should thanking me. Like i said if i really need to i will produce the texts that i need to. I haven't ONLY because im not like 10 years old on the playground anymore like you are. I dont going wrongfully smearing names just because I dont get my way. Most of all I dont need to defend myself against someone like you. You do enough damage to yourself...lmao Chris should of thought about how this looks for him. and you Damian Maci