FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Craig Martin
Thread: Bad Guy Craig Martin
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Old 08-15-2019, 03:40 PM   #47
Craig martin
Originally Posted by dmasio View Post
I'll just wait on your "proof" on any of these accusations. I've proven everything through from our conversations. You just keep throwing shit against the wall to see what will stick. I hope this shows people you maybe OK to deal with when you're taking someone's money but go forbid if that same person has to come back to deal with you if something goes wrong. Again prove me wrong where I backed out of any deal or anything that you keep claiming. It's not rocket science to post pics. You scroll down to manage attachments click on the pic or pics you want then click upload and submit reply......
you havent proven anything except that you are out of line. if you go back and read all of them . You can see i was there since the beging supporting your projects,.trading , bullshitting all these years. you have asked for a few of my animals in that time. You also have stated how i have the best looking genetics out there... i even go one to agree with you when you said you cant wait until you produce snows!!! But once you went sideways over a below standard clutch of only 7 eggs. Then started posting publicly and wrongfully. Instead of taking your frustration to making sure you get better numberson the next breeding. You felt it was smart to to go smeasring my name around even after you backed out of a prior deal with me for for 4 pieds for my marble citrus het purple. Because yes you did back out. when you texted me a few hours after you agreed to the deal. and said you changed your mind . cuz you didnt want to risk his health. (which is cool) thats is you backing out.

look at it like this. Did you agree to to the trade?
did you do change your mind after you agreed to the trade?
Did you ever shipp you animals to me that we agreed upon?
Did you not say come on nothing is set in stone in two hours?
did you not tell me multiple times your a man of your word?