FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - FRESH WC PANTHERS ~ Ankaramy~ Blue Bar Ambilobe ~ Red Bar Ambilobe ~
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Old 01-09-2005, 06:09 PM   #26
Where do I start....

Let's start with the truth Johnny boy. First, are you sure you got first pick on that last shipment? Just because someone tells you you have first pick and sends you pics vis email doesn't mean you got first pick. For reference, go take a look at that second to none Ambanja and Ambilobe I posted recently. Don't think you saw pics of those guys and if you were supposed to have first pick don't you think you should have? I mean, you wouldn't be the first perosn that was promised first pick by that particular importer and ended up get thirds. Take that shipment that the Nosy Mitsios came in on for example.

As far as jealousy and anger for your collection.... now I can really say I have heard it all. I have seen better collections of Veileds that would make me jealous far before your assortment of steaming crap. Let's face it, you've been trying to sell those crappy Ambilobes you produced for a solid eight months and have been trying to middle man the animals you got from "The Gerg" almost as long. Yes, I would say I am terribly jealous and fired up over that (Chameleon pun intended). But, for a taste test sake look at all the old pictures you post of your B grade animals and look at the pics of animals I have. Anyone that is reasonable will easily see that even my worst looking animals eclipses your best - hands down. That is just the fact of the matter, I have always had better animals and will always have better animals no matter how many times you are promised 3rd pick in any shipment. It is probably because I just have better taste than you and patience. In fact, the animals I have and have access to are so good that they make me jealous and I own them - so I can only guess what they do to a hack such as yourself. But if you think differently, by all means why don't you get a table at the upcoming IRBA show in SD then we can really have a good Pepsi Challenge. I guarantee not only will my display animals blow you out of the water but I will put a strangle hold on you with quality and price of animals to the point that you will be lucky to even break even. After all business is business right? Well, there you go, gauntlet has been thrown down. The time has come to put up or shut up my second rate friend. If I am so jealous of what you can bring to the table I am sure not acting like it and am willing to put my rep on the line in a show were everyone else can be the judge.........


...As far as emails trying to feel you out for info, you got the wrong guy. I talk to the horse's mouth not his @$$ - always have.