FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy William Gangemi (at repticon)
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Old 10-26-2019, 10:53 AM   #135
Originally Posted by LauraB View Post
Yeah, okay. You don't like my "involuntary confinement" words (of which described myself as well? Huh?) So sorry, Professor Nit-Picker. All I did was agree with Elena, but added my own "wrong" words. I'm deeply sorry those words did not meet with your standards or criteria. However, I hardly portrayed myself as "the savior to all animals", lol. That said, your valuable contribution here is noted (all 30-something posts) and I stand scolded, ashamed and corrected.

You're really looking a tad immature and petty, Professor ... but still good for a chuckle. Continue NOT to think before you decide to reply.
It sounds like you are getting upset. At least you can agree with me but how about you do it without being facetious? You likely cant because that would show you were incorrect. If you worded you reply differently then we wouldn't be having this conversation now would we?

And remember, quality before quantity. Commenting about someones' forum post count is pretty petty. Almost as if since one person has more posts they are more superior to the others' with less.... There was actually a good published article in medical journal somewhere about 5-6 years ago that compared that to low self esteem in the real (non internet) world and an individual's online persona.

Now, saying I am nitpicking is highly inaccurate because the definition of that word is the looking for unimportant faults or errors. What you stated is highly important. You are saying that he should be "involuntary confined" because that is what he did to those animals. Now doesn't that apply to everyone who "involuntary confines" animals? I would say it does.

I'm just a third party looking in on a conversation and keeping it neutral is all.