FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - The BOI will be coming to an end on 02-02-2020
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Old 11-01-2019, 04:35 PM   #287
Originally Posted by ChondroPy View Post
Hi there Moderator...

I am sorry that I did not see this earlier. I just chanced upon it by accident and did not know we were in such dire straits of you shutting it down. I would highly suggest giving it the old College try and post the situation in brief on all of the classified categories. For example as you notify us about "abusive add bumping"... Right below that add in a statement about payments needed to keep bBOI active.... or simply State those who pay will be able to still play.

I am sure there are quite a few of us that still appreciate your efforts in keeping that going. It gives us a choice on whether we will consider dealing with a vendor or not... At least we'll have some information to weigh that decision. This is just my two cents in the matter but if you inform everyone at least we will all know whether folks give a damn about it or just too not interested in paying money to keep this open.
Been there, done that. Have had an announcement highlighted in blue in ALL forums since early January.

Originally Posted by ChondroPy View Post
A little more policing of the statements that are made would help as well, to help keep those who post on the BOI as a hobby as their social outlet and who have nothing beneficial to offer.

Please consider all of this before shutting it all down.

Charles Ball
Sorry, but apparently most people don't understand the legal aspects of running something like the Board of Inquiry. You have to be careful about how you "police" a forum of that nature, because if you make the wrong step, you then take on legal responsibility for what anyone else posts there. For instance, you cannot pre-filter statements made. You cannot judge which statements are factual, and which are not. You cannot be a judge and jury at all. I am certain that a lot of people who wanted to sue me over the Board of Inquiry had their attorney check it out and found that they had no ground to stand on exactly because of the way I run it. Matter of fact, about a year or so ago I paid yet another attorney to analyze the BOI and how I run it to make certain I was not running afoul of any changes that might have been made to laws concerning such things. It got gold stars across the board.

This is not as simple as it may seem at casual inspection.