FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Terri Sommella Fire and Ice Dragons -- Nightmare
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Old 01-16-2005, 12:10 AM   #171
This thread is falling back so I will add my update with Terri from Fire and Ice.
I have gotten her to send me written agreement to extend their return guarantee for me. I have yet to ship the dragon back due to the weather we are having this week but my intention is to ship it next week. Terri has agreed to take her back and all I did was notify her I was not pleased with the way things were working out. I don’t know why Jonathan had so much difficulty with Terri. I have, however, always found that dealing in business; calm, cool and collective is the way to go. I’m not saying Jonathan or his partner were not cool headed in dealing with Terri I was not there but I have been cool and collective with her and she has responded favorably. It sucks that all of that happened and it sucks that the dragons have to be put in the middle of this. It will even suck more if she tries a pull a fast one on me. I promise that I will keep posting to this thread until I’m finished with this transaction with Terri. I feel that you all deserve to hear the end of this story as well. I have heard some choice words regarding Terri and her business practices both here and in the Herp community. I must tell you that my opinion lies in the way she deals with me. Selfish, maybe! Everyone who reads this thread will make their own decision.