FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Terri Sommella Fire and Ice Dragons -- Nightmare
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Old 01-21-2005, 01:04 PM   #179
Originally Posted by 4TheLuvOfBeardies
A holdback
They all are sold as that

It's not unusual for young dragons do go through cycles of coccidia and pinworms, its how they build their immune system. They do increase with stress especially if they experience drastic changes. When that happens, they overwhelm the animals system. That is one thing that we as breeders can help avoid and where I think Terri falls down badly (if in fact she is the one raising these babies, I have my doubts there).

If Terri learns nothing else from this thread, I hope she learns that she needs to change the way she (or whoever) is raising these before shipping and to stop punishing the new owners and the babies for her lack of preparing them for those changes. Many times causing the babies their life and the owners heartbreak and more expenses.

There is a reason that some breeder run into few adjustment problems with their babies in new homes and some run into a lot of them.... its in how they are raised those first few months, the contact they have with humans and knowing that change is not something to fear which causes them to stress so badly.

You have to care about these, and let them know that humans are a source of good things, they need a lot of people contact and exposure to the type of setups they will be moving into when sold. I have raised many differenet species and never had another one that was like beardies in needing this... it is one of the things that is making them the most popular of the lizards species in the US now... they learn to enjoy and seek human contact.

When they have had little handling, and no viewing contact with humans, then move to a new home in an open enclouse with people who want contact with them, they are freaking out and go downhill... that is not the new owners fault! That starts a cycle that is hard to get over with them, once they are adjusted to the new home, they are ill with parasitic overload, which harms their immune system, then they need meds that also effect other things in them... it can become a nightmare cycle.

Parazap is not going to clear the coccidia if it is that bad, can you tell me what dosing the dragon is on and the treatment times? The most effective for bearded dragons is Klingenberg's method of 3 days on albon and then every other day for 2 weeks, along with the cleaning with nolvasan, hot water and acidolphiliz+ during treatment... with your dragon being on treatment prior, it is high resistant now, but it can be cleared.. it just is going to take time for the dragon to restore his immune system and gut fauna AND lots of hydration to avoid kidney damage.

Sadly for you and the dragon, Terri is big on marketing till the sale is completed and than seems to fall down with the follow through, besides not having her babies adjusted to change/people. If you want to email me, I will work with you to get this dragon back on the right tract and up to her full potential. It's not something you have done or did not do, its the baby was not prepared and we can help her with that even now.