FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - KS is at it again - deleting posts
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Old 01-30-2005, 07:08 PM   #4
If the thread is the one I am thinking of then it's possible to understand why they dumped it. It's pretty easy to figure out that the mods there don't like people trash talking people/businesses who post ads on the classified forums - naming names or companies, etc. (breaks the rules). Now, I have seen posts that have talked about ads that are over on the classified forums in general terms (no names, etc.) and those usually do stay up mostly unless they were worded in such a roundabout way that you can still pretty much figure out which ad people are actually talking about bringing the matter back full circle to a point of it breaks the rules of bad mouthing people/businesses. I always find it easier to avoid mentioning anything in a post like "did you see that ad on the classified forums" type comments when wanting to discuss something in "general" like pricing practices or trends or naming conventions. Even if the original intent wasn't meant to bash anyone or anything if a post can be tracked back to an ad on the classified forum where there is a name or business attached the apparently have enough reason to pull it. Things like that don't get pulled if you don't give a mod any rope to play with for pulling it.
