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Old 02-02-2005, 11:25 PM   #87
Well I just read every word of 18 pages, and yet again Rich your on the brink IMO. Below if what I feel like you feel like saying

"All of you free loaders with all your little bull ____ problems can go ____ yourself if you dont want to pay the 10$"

Do what you have to do and let the cards fall where they may. I will pay what it takes to come around, not sure others will.

This does bring up an interesting point. What if you charge 10$ per head and only 200 people stick around. All the advertisers pull their adds, and your down to 2,000.00 income from the site. Is that less then where your at now? Would that then be the end of the site. If so what becomes of everyones donation money from the auctions now. What of the membership money paid to a defunct site?

Honestly if you take 10 advertisers at your 300 a year large banner rate, that is more then the 2,000.00 from the 200 people that stick around. I think thats a better pasture to grab your money from.

I advertised on the site to support it. We had our situation, and yes I pulled my advertiseing. I still have my issues, but Id personally feel better paying 300 for a banner to help keep the site free, seeing everyone else pay 10 to get a membership. Im sure thats money at this point you really dont want, but should you decide against memberships, and you are willing Id pay it for no banner.

I still think advertisers, and blanket free lifetime memberships to all current members if the best way to go. If you want to make the newbies pay up to play do it. I still think this would solve the "troll" problem as a fine and a "new" membership would be the same.

Again just my 2 cents. Im not going to tell you to take a vacation, or any of that crap. That said you are at a break, so its obvious its time to make a decision soon.