FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Big snake Kills...
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Old 02-24-2002, 09:28 AM   #6
Silly Serpents
I find the situation a bit odd!Unless the guy didnt know anything about large constrictors(which im not sure of)than i cant phathom how a burm that size could have killed him.Maybe there is more to it.The serpent could have been set up <img src="http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/confused.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='???'> !My point being?Well, about 7 years ago one of my large burms grabbed a hold of me and tried his best to take me out.He was 18' and around 180-200lbs.I myself at the time only weighed in at a mere 125lbs.Im not a big guy at all! However,i was all alone (which yes was stupid)feeding my snakes and he came out of his cage to &quot;help&quot; me along.He grabbed me by my waste and started to wrap.I yelled for help but to no avail(family was out side) so i was left on my own.I managed to wrestle him off me.It can be done.two or more people DO make it a lot easier though and true i always have at least 1 person with me know but it seems that there are too many snakes succesfully killing humans!People need to know the importance of educating themselves on these serpents before none of us are allowed to keep these wonderful animals.Oh yeah,one more thing.In case some of you are wondering,the snake was not hurt or killed either and i had several puncture wounds which healed in a week/two.Thanks for &quot;listening&quot; to me.Sonny