FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Draco volans (Flying Dragons)
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Old 02-08-2005, 12:41 AM   #1
Intense Herpetoculture
Draco volans (Flying Dragons)

Well, I'm happy to say that I think this is the year I'm finally going to establish a group of Dracos!!! On Friday I hand-picked some Dracos at a local importers, I usually would have to order them sight unseen from FL. Crap would usually arrive, and I would start to have problems to then tackle from the start. Seems like this time I have 12 (2.10) Draco volans that are going to survive without a problem! Each one is eating and drinking up a storm. Not to mention how active they are. Constently giving wing/dewlap "signals" to each other and jumping all around the branches. I currently have them seperated out in 10 gallon aquariums, but I think I'll move them into large screen cages as time goes on. Several of the females are currently gravid, and I did see one scratch around in the peat moss this morning. Looks like I'll be getting some eggs soon! Have my hands crossed that they are fertile. I've been working with this genus for quite some time, and each year I've gotten closer to establishing these guys! Hopefully I'll pick a few more up short, including more males. I wasn't too sure on the species, but I keyed them out to Draco volans. I'll post pics and more info as it comes along.