FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Rich Z (WebSlave)
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Old 06-27-2022, 11:56 AM   #7
Originally Posted by WebSlave View Post
Well, the question was asked of me, and I didn't have an answer for it, if two or my coronary arteries were (one is still) blocked, what about all the rest of the arteries and veins coming to and from the heart? Wouldn't they be affected by the same issue that blocked off the coronary arteries? Or is that a question that would be better off not asked in front of Connie?
Rich, Google "coronary artery anatomy". Those arteries are tiny, when compared to major vessels like the aorta, femoral, etc. That's why they're the first to become blocked.

I hope that you start to feel better. My brother had two stents put in at the same time, and said it took a few months before he had more energy. We credit the FAA with saving his life. He's a commercial airline pilot, and because he's also diabetic, the FAA required an echocardiogram for renewal of his Airman Medical Certificate. An abnormality in the echo prompted cardiac catheterization, where two arteries had 90%, and 95% blockages. What's weird, is that he was completely asymptomatic, and never would have sought out having those diagnostic tests done.

Anyway, they forced him to retire, as the FAA only allows pilots one stent. He was as active as you are, and never had a clue that there was a serious problem.