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Old 07-10-2022, 02:22 PM   #92
For anyone interested in knowing such details, the new shot she got on 07-07 to increase her white blood cell count is called "Ziextenzo". I believe it is generic for "Neulasta". She was getting a shot of something called "Zarxio (sp?)" but this new one is supposed to be stronger. Not sure why the "upgrade" as her white blood cell count didn't look bad in her last blood work results. Might be a good thing though, because Connie is absolutely scared to death of getting any sort of infection now. I have been washing my hands so much and using disinfectant whenever I come into the house that my hands are beginning to feel kind of weird. And I have purchased a couple of air purifiers for the house to try to scrub the air as much as possible. Matter of fact, I have four more sitting out on the porch in boxes I need to set up. Probably overkill, but oh well...

The chemo drugs she is being administered are "Bevacizumab" and "Carboplatin". She was getting "Abraxane" but the oncologist took her off of it for the last treatment on 07-06.

She is feeling very tired today. She is not sleeping well at night, so I tell her to just take cat naps whenever she feels like it. Earlier her cheeks were flushed, but it doesn't seem to be getting worse. Matter of fact, it comes and goes over the past couple of days. One of the nurses on Thursday told her the shot would give her just sort of an overall "crappy" feeling of just not feeling all that well. And I think that is hitting Connie somewhat. But she still has a good appetite, and thankfully hasn't gotten any sort of nausea problems. Probably due to the pills she is taking to combat sort of side effect. I am thankful of that, as I have heard from some people that this was the worst of the effects they got from having chemo treatments. At least in their opinion. So I hope Connie will be spared that.

She is back in her recliner now, reading a book, but I expect she will doze off frequently. I may go over to the other building so I don't disturb her. But I have to admit that I have become more dependent on my cell phone as a means of her getting in touch with me if she needs me.