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Old 08-08-2022, 01:52 PM   #99
Well, let's see. I guess this is an update.

The latest blood work Connie had (08-03) was showing some really high numbers for some things related to her white blood cell counts, so the oncologist is taking her off of that "Ziextenzo" she was being given the day after the chemo. Not sure what that is all about, but hope there hasn't been anything long term damaging involved. I believe she had two sessions of that particular drug. Honestly, all these exotic chemicals going into her body makes me really nervous. Especially if you read about the possible side effects. That is enough to make the hair on the back of your neck stand straight up.

Connie has been feeling relatively OK, just some minor issues likely related to the chemo treatments (and possibly that above mentioned shot she was getting) and her immunity being on a low ebb. But she seems to still have a good appetite and is trying to keep on eating so she doesn't lose a lot of weight. She has been hovering around 105 lbs lately and it is a struggle for her to eat enough to keep it there. She is only taking small meals, as she is afraid to eat too much and maybe trigger some nausea as a result. Plus she is drinking a lot of water each day to help flush out those chemo chemicals, as is recommended in the literature she was given. So it is difficult for her to get a solid night's sleep when she has to pee about every 2 or 3 hours.

Not sure if I mentioned it before, but her sister (Karen) is a cancer survivor that Connie has been using as a mentor for her own journey and also as an example of someone who had a pretty severe case of cancer, yet pulled through. Karen basically had stage 4 cancer with tumors all through her body. We thought she was a goner for certain. But Karen read up on alternative treatments concerning using baking soda and honey, along with her chemo, and that is what she did. Not sure if that is what saved her, but heck, it was pretty miraculous that she pulled through like she did. So what the heck, Connie is trying that too.

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, Karen was certain that her cancer had come back. She was having pains that she said felt just like the pain she experienced from her cancer tumors. Of course this had Connie pretty much feeling shattered, as she felt she was looking at her future too. But long story short, turned out that Karen had two broken ribs, and some fluid around the breaks that was causing the pain. No signs of cancer whatsoever from all the tests she went through. We were all breathing a big sigh of relief! I really don't know how Connie would have taken hearing that Karen was back in really big trouble again. I think she would have been on real thin ice mentally.

Yeah, Connie is bummed out by the minor side effects she is experiencing, but as I have been telling her, it could be a LOT worse. I am actually surprised, because I was really fearing the worse. She is going in for another blood work session on 08-10, so hopefully they will be checking that tumor marker thing again and the number will be even lower than before. Hopefully even a LOT lower. And I am curious about those white blood cell numbers too. Then her next chemo treatment is scheduled for 08-17.

She is trying to stay active, but not much she can do outside with the mosquitoes from all the rain we have been having lately. But she is trying to do the best she can. I REALLY don't want her to be bitten by mosquitoes with her immune system being on the blink. No telling what sort of bad things could result from that.