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Old 08-19-2022, 11:29 AM   #86
I am getting really antsy just doing nothing. Connie and I have been taking walks around the path, so she can get some exercise, but it is really getting overgrown. Had a tree fall down near one section that has put some grape vines and branches over part of the path. I REALLY need to get out there to clear it out a bit so Connie can feel like she can take her walks more often and more easily instead of pushing aside weeds and crap.

When I saw my cardiologist last, he sent in a prescription for a drug that is supposed to be for lowering blood pressure, even though I don't really need it for that. He says it will help the heart to heal quicker too. But when I picked up the medication, I read the side effects and warnings and one of the warnings stated that I should not eat citrus and other foods containing potassium while taking this medication. Yikes! When our citrus is ripe in a few months, there is no way in hell I am going to just let them rot on the trees. So I put in a call to ask about this dilemma. I did get a call back, and the nurse said she would have to talk to the doctor about it. Well, never heard back and it has been a few days now. I didn't start taking the medication yet. So if the tradeoff is having my heart heal sooner and NOT being able to eat the citrus, or have my heart heal slower and enjoying the hell out of the citrus, if that is my choice, not sure which one I would pick. The dosage is the smallest dose that medication comes in, so perhaps the citrus won't be an issue?

Guess I need to try to contact the cardiologist again so see what he says.

All in all, physically I feel fine. Emotionally, well, not so much. But that is from worrying about Connie and not concern for myself. Well, to be brutally honest, I guess even that is a bit about myself too. What do I do if she doesn't make it through this cancer stuff? Certainly the thought of living the rest of my life alone is pretty depressing.