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Old 08-22-2022, 11:59 PM   #95
I am not taking the Ramipril yet. I wanted to speak to the cardiologist about the dietary potassium in fruits possibly being an issue first. He is prescribing this to me (1.25mg tablets, 1 per day) because he said it would help speed up the healing of those damaged tissues in my heart from the heart attack.

I will start taking it tomorrow. I will be watching it closely in case it drops my blood pressure too much as well as the laundry list of other side effects I have read about. Maybe in November when the first of the citrus will be ripening, I can get off of that stuff anyway.

The blood thinner I have been taking ever since the heart attack on Memorial Day is Prasugrel, 10mg tablet once per day. I did tell my cardiologist about the ease of bruising and he claimed it was normal. Everything I have read online pretty much says that a blood thinner and aspirin are pretty much a requirement after a coronary stent placement. Blood thinner for a year, and aspiring pretty much for the rest of my life.

I am also taking Atorvastatin (80 mg, once per day) for cholesterol control, even though my yearly blood work results haven't shown that to be a problem. But I guess SOMETHING caused my coronary arteries to close up.

I believe most doctors just like to prescribe medications. Not sure many of them really pay close attention to the side effects and the interactions with diet and other medications and supplements. I did take a list of the OTC supplements I am taking to him, so he does have that list on file.

Basically they just ask you if you are allergic to anything, and that is that.

I don't see the lumps on my left thigh getting any worse looking, but they are tender to the touch. I have been using that extended hedge trimmer the same way I did today for a few years now, without having this sort of problem doing so. Heck, in the past I could have whacked myself hard with a ball peen hammer and not gotten a bruise from it. So this is really irking me.

Darn, I don't think I am going to make it to even 1 am tonight. Between getting up early and then working on the path, I can feel the bed calling my name. I didn't have a nap today, so maybe that is why. Connie and I took a brisk walk along the path I had partially cleared after dinner. Not sure if I will work on it again tomorrow or not. Maybe I should give myself a day or two between the yard work. But Thursday and Friday are going to be tied up taking Connie for her tests. Even though tests don't take too long, they do tend to tie up the entire day.