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Old 09-13-2022, 01:50 AM   #118
Made a BIG mistake tonight. Been reading up on Stage IV ovarian cancer, the chemo regimens recommended, and the overall likely survival rate of the patients. I thought that stuff would be easier to take now, since some time has passed since Connie's original diagnosis, but nope. Still just as tough to take. I wonder if there are any sort of parental guidance controls I could engage on my browser to block such sites from my reading them again?

Well after reading that stuff, somehow I wound up on a webpage related to a new term to me: Widowhood Effect

Also containing some pretty disturbing information:

With the widowhood effect, older adults grieving a spouse’s death have an increased mortality risk compared to those whose spouses are living. This effect has even been documented by researchers. A 2013 study that appeared in the Journal of Public Health showed that people had a 66% higher risk of dying within the first 90 days of losing their spouse. This discovery held true for both men and women.

A previous study from 2008 drew a similar conclusion, finding that surviving spouses had up to a 90% chance of dying within the first three months following the death of their spouse.