FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Illinois state law issues
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Old 02-13-2005, 07:24 PM   #38
Tripple H Herps
As I beleive, Europeans are allowed to sell there products and items by themselves without goverment controll. So how is that a complete controll of goverment? I think the main thing that brings us into this argument is are two political veiws. I do not like to express mine (online and in my bussiness name: "Tripple H Herps") simply becouse I have found that threw bussiness it is not always a good idea. Regardless of your oppinion. Even if the majority of people agree with you, the minority might find reason not to purchase from you. I personally beleive in a free health care system. You just said it yourself, the WELTHIEST of people don't go by it. Do you realize how many people in the US can not afford the luxury of a hospital if they are sick? Let alone the payments for health care? The govt up there does not have complete controll of the system, so it would not be socialist. They DO have private companys offering this service to the "richer" people. Yes this has gotten off the topic. How about we just quit nagging at each other via this forum and call it a draw...lol