FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - A pro-active approach to the BOI
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Old 02-14-2005, 07:44 PM   #16
Originally Posted by snakegetters
In the graphic itself, it should say something like, "click here for this member's certification." The link on their web site should go to a page that YOU maintain and control, containing a list of the people who are approved to display the logo.

Otherwise, what's to stop anybody from grabbing the thing and plastering it on their site?
The html link that will be provided pulls the graphic from my own server, and the link points directly to the thread in the Certification forum relating to this business/person. The Certificate banners are also serialized with a number that corresponds to the assigned number indicated in the voting thread about this business person. So, if someone sees a Certificate banner with the number #0013 and the website is for Joe Blow's Boas, and they come to this site to check it out and see that #0013 is actually assigned to Picky Pete's Pythons, then they will know immediately that Joe Blow's Boas is using a bogus certificate graphic. That right there should be enough warning for them to think carefully about doing business with such a business/person.

And yes someone can just grab the image and post it on their website without a forwarding link, but how long do you really think that will go unnoticed? If it happens, then it will be a simple matter to put up a forum or thread solely to call out those websites showing the bogus certifications.

No it's not perfect, but I think it may be effective.