FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - A pro-active approach to the BOI
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Old 02-14-2005, 09:16 PM   #20
Originally Posted by Mickey_TLK

I like the idea, as Kathy said, sorta like a good housekeeping seal. However in order for it to be full effective, I think it would need to be acceptable with Jeff @ Kingsnake. I dont think he is the be all end all to do with web sales, but if its not accepted there, it would be difficult for it to be fully effective.

I guess this would be a good test to yours and Jeffs ability to work together at this point for the good of the herp community. Maybe you should contact him in regards to this issue, and let everyone know what he says. If not I guess once I get my cert I can post it on a ks add, and see what happens.

Either way very interesting idea.
This certificate banner was not really designed with the thought of it being placed on ads people may place on other sites, although that is completely up to them, within reason. It is intended to be placed on the actual website of the person or business interested in carrying this "Seal of Approval". What other novel uses people may find for it is up to them and how they wish to use it, as long as it does not violate my intentions of how it should be used. How it will be accepted on other websites that classifieds may be posted on showing this certificate within those ads is not really my concern. Nor do I believe it will influence the acceptance or rejection of this project as a whole.

Personally, what you may post on your ads in another classified site and how the owner responds to it is between you and him/her. I see no reason for me to get into the middle of that issue at all.