FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Connie (Mrs. WebSlave)
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Old 06-24-2023, 05:20 PM   #151
Connie and her sister Debbie will be leaving early in the morning tomorrow for three weeks in Tijuana at the Oasis Of Hope. Connie is feeling really positive about it. One thing setting her mood right is that her CA125 tumor marker, which as been steadily and rapidly climbing since she went off of chemo (and was just taking Avastin as a maintenance drug) stopped climbing and actually dropped a slight bit. I know it definitely made my heart feel quite a bit lighter when I looked up the lab results.

People can say the think what they want, but Connie has been taking several alternate "drugs" and supplements, and maybe I am just going out on a limb thinking this, but I sure as heck feel they HAVE to be helping for that tumor marker to make the U-turn it did. She won't get another test till she gets back in mid July, so I will be extremely curious to see the results then.

So hope for the best, and well, plan for the best. I am incapable of planning for the worst.