FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Terri Sommella Fire and Ice Dragons -- Nightmare
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Old 02-16-2005, 10:04 PM   #234

While multi repeat post fill this board and others made an effort to bring some ethical practices of a breeder to the public (which we seem to catch heck for doing... tough it will not stop me or others from exposing her scams) Terri has scammed again.... while this thread was going on! This one I want to prove is false and she is using the self set up registry to "certify" her false claims, along with her "broad" listed below:

Dr. Thomas Ryan, DVM - Feathers
Scales & Tails Veterinary Hospital
Westminster, MD

Steven Gill
Westminster, MD (but as far as I know he is in the UK)

Darby Cunningham - AAA Reptile Supply

and some guy only known as John - Chameleon Paradise

On her registry she list this
Upon reciept of application and successful payment, your application will reviewed by the Color Morph and Pattern Registry board, and at this time you may be asked for more information regarding your new Pattern/Morph including breeding details, husbandry lineage, etc. If approved, you will recieve documentation certifying you or your orginization as the originator for the Morph/Pattern, and standards will be declared at that time.
BTW: those misspellings above and below are from her site, not my misspelling

Regarding the citrus line, hee wonderful board she appointed, approved her as the originator of the citrus line just 2 months ago.. what a joke

Citrus - bearded dragon - lizard classification
Submitted by: Terri Sommella
Aproved by an independant panel on: 12/03/2004
Terri did not have dragons until 2002, below are sites archived online dating back to 1999 and proves this line existed before she even had bearded dragons and who are in fact the people that worked years to develop this line and have now been slapped in the face by this so called board and her.

Here are dragons of the citrus line and called Citrus long before she even was Fire and Ice, If you have a citrus, this is where they came from, not her, no matter what she tells you.....perhaps we can not do anything about her self styled organizations/boards/panels and endorsing her false claims, but we certainly can expose them and give the people credit that did work and develop them! There are in achieves online from 1999-2001, the archive date is in the URL

2001 ( a year before she had dragons) Aaron Kosins of DragonAddict
Note the last listing and click on it.... citrus dragons - Sandfire Yellow/Yellow Red Desert X CITRUS
Note the Citrus baby, Citrus sub adult and Citrus mother

2000 (2 years before she had dragons) Atomic Lizard Ranch Paul & Collette Latimer, the nicest couple you would ever want to met and do so much with bearded dragons in the US early on.
Note the Citrus Dragons mentioned on the front page: Yellow , Citrus , Tangerine Phase

1999 (3 years before she had dragons) Tony from Yellowdragon.com, who took a yellow from Atomic Lizard Ranch and crossed it with a Sunburst from Kevin Dunne of Dragons Den Herps
Last phase listed: "Citrus" Phase
This phase is obtained by crossing a "Sunburst" male with a yellow female

A SUNBURST MALE.... the line Kevin Dunne originated years before... A yellow female(also called citrus) from Atomic Lizard ranch..... both that were working with the citrus line (and calling it that) as early as 1999..... 3 years before Terri first contacted these people to buy the dragons from them, that she now claims to have originated. People, don't be fooled..... check!

So Terri, how did you create a line that existed years before you ever had any dragons and can be proven online from other breeders archived websites? How can you register it officially with your "board" and your "registry" now to have your "certified" papers crediting you with it? How can you claim 15 years breeding.....when many of us have emails from you just 3 years ago starting out? Each time you claim it, we will call you on it! You didn't, you bought them from these people 2-3 years ago and are claiming their work.... outright thieving.. if this is your ethics, is it any wonder you would take a few hundred dollars from the very people you called " stupid" and you consider beneath you, "because they are reptile people and easy"? (remember sitting in my hotel room.. I sure do and your comments disgusted me then, this was all a SHOW ME THE MONEY game to you in an industry you think is low class) I think you need to be exposed for what you are and if others think that is trashing you.... IMO, you deserve it.

Paul, I am sorry you got bashed in this, I know your heart is in the right place, but your new too and would have no way of knowing she is lying, deceitful and conning so many people.. I would think real careful about breeding any of the dragons you got from her..... until she discloses the real bloodlines of them and you know what inbreeding genetics you are really working with. It amazes me that someone that trout's bloodlines like her, will not tell you the parentage of the dragons she sells you and you do not question them.... but MANY people know them that have been around for more than a few years and know where her breeders came from.

Now, I am done with this thread, I think the turth of this "breeder" is out.