FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Connie (Mrs. WebSlave)
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Old 02-11-2024, 08:40 PM   #212
Oh no, it wasn't going to be anything like that concerning me selling this place. I have no where else really to go. I was thinking about buying a motor home or a tag-a-long camper and whatever couldn't fit in that would be left behind to be sold with the home and property. Too many memories attached to most things here to be bringing them along with me.

Connie has two sisters, but honestly not much in the way of shared memories with them. Besides the SerpenCo business pretty much sucking up all of our time when we had it, Connie and I were pretty much only dependent on each other. We were each other's complete worlds. For which now I am paying the price. But to be honest, I couldn't even think about the situation now much less plan for it.

I haven't been able to even touch any of Connie's clothes. I have no idea when I will be strong enough to be able to do that to box them all up and do whatever someone does with such things.

Anyway, after today I will have kept my promise to Connie. Now I just have to think of anything "drastic" that I may feel like doing.