FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - The short list of forums that will be restricted to paying memberships ONLY.
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Old 02-20-2005, 02:03 PM   #1
Arrow The short list of forums that will be restricted to paying memberships ONLY.

Actually the list is pretty darn short. Bear in mind that these forums will still be open for READING by all members, only paid membership members will be able to POST in them.
  1. The Board of Inquiry
  2. The Fauna Fund Forum
  3. The BOI Good Guy Certification Forum
  4. HELL
  5. Consumer Reports
  6. Web Watch
  7. Lonely Hearts Club Forum

Now ALL of the classifieds sections will be a special category. ALL registered members will be able to READ the classifieds as well as REPLY to any existing classified ads in them. However only paid membership members will be able to post NEW ads in those sections.

To help promote the probable transition over to the new classifieds system, I will not institute this restriction on the new system immediately. Perhaps a month or two delay to help give people incentive to trying it out and perhaps become more familiar with that layout.