FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Questions on possible gravid female Veild
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Old 03-21-2005, 10:58 AM   #22
Talking She Finally Laid !!

Thank You for all your Help!!

She laid yesterday evening, it took her a long time from start to finish. She was still covering her eggs at 11pm last night. She laid 53 eggs.....as I was taking them out I was thinking Whoaa, thats alot of babies..

Its funny too because my male is across the room from her and I think he was awake all night...lol my husband said he was excited and he was naming all his children...lol

Im currently working on hatching crickets...but Im sure all be asking questions about incubation periods, What is the best temp to incubate at? and is there a website or place I can go to look at eggs that have gone bad? that way I can tell, my book does not talk about these types of issues.

once again, Thank You to everyone. Wish me Luck...
