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Old 09-27-2002, 02:41 AM   #13
Way to Go Glenn !!!!

As far as hunting adding to the overpopulation goes,Well on that I would have to disagree with you....IF humans didn't develope either for farming or housing the animals habitat then there would be enough food and space so that inbreeding and brittle bones would not occur. I myself am an enviromentalist who also eats meat. How can I say that?? Easy enough. I believe in the responsible use of resources that includes all resources. And yes I do recycle as well nor do I believe in wasting what nature has given us. I also believe in hunting and fishing . I have done both and will do both in the future. But I do not kill just for fun nor do I waste what I have killed. I do not kill what I won't eat. I believe that is responsible way to view it. As for vegitarians go I believe that to be thier lifestyle choice just as mine is to be someone who eats meat as well as veggies. But to ban all use of animals even for medical research is ludicrous. I know for a fact that insulin is made both from cattle as well as pigs and while that is also insulin that is derived from the human enzymes not everyone can tolerate it. Are we to condem those people to death? Or to allow someone who is bitten by a snake to die because of a lack of antivenom? As far as research of new drugs go ...it is illegal to test on humans..if we cannot test first on animals how are we to derive the safety of new drugs? Are you willing to allow yourself or your family member to be the guinea pig?

Alison Crews