FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Mack snows.....
Thread: Mack snows.....
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Old 05-02-2005, 01:01 PM   #62
Sorry, but my warning about draggin threads in here onto BOI topics was pretty explicit in the repercussions that people would suffer if they continued to do that:

Anyone trying to turn this leopard gecko forum into a sideline Board of Inquiry will be suspended and fined. Period. No, "I didn't realize you meant ME!" No, "I didn't understand what you meant!" No "But this is IMPORTANT!"

If it is important enough for you to talk ABOUT someone else then it either goes in the BOI, or button your lip.

There, is that to the point enough?
Three people within this thread have been suspended and fined $10. If they choose to come back, they will need to PayPal $10 each to payments@faunaclassifieds.com. The fine will DOUBLE each time this happens again.

Sorry about that, but they asked for it.