FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Fauna, the BOI, and Favouritism...
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Old 05-07-2005, 12:41 AM   #52
I don't usually participate in threads.. I'm more of a reader.

But I felt compelled to comment on the alleged clique on Fauna;

I don't think there are some vendors that get a free pass.. I think that for every unfortunate transaction, some have plenty of transactions performed without incident. Everyone knows that bad things happen to every person and every company. You can only go so long without a snag.

The people that I noticed get pounced on don't have a reputation to lean on or have a reputation that is "lien"ing on them.

There's a huge different between someone doing a couple hundred (or thousand) transactions before hitting trouble.. and someone who seems to have trouble every 5 or 6 transactions.

As a consumer, I'm looking out for such trends. The BOI does a great job at putting the info out there.