FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - how big of a tank for a valid
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Old 05-19-2005, 10:53 PM   #10
Well it is nice but chams crawl up not across very much. That wouldnt fit a ficus tree very well with out cutting it down to the base. You could stand it on end I suppose and that would be better.
Listen man you wont get away with just one cage. How old is the cham you are getting?
Remember too big a cage for a baby cham and it cant find its water or food well.
You could try it and it might work but unless you have all the time to spend ensuring it will eat I say get a small cage now and a large one latter. Go get a small job or ask around for some work and score some case for the cage you really want. Look on ebay man they are cheap and you can get a deal if you find one.
If you do go with a big cage I would cup feed the crickets so you know he is getting the food. I use a sport water bottle and cut the very top off. This way the crickets jump but they dont jump straight up they jump to the side and cant get out. If they are gone you know he is eating this way you can watch him closely.
Think of this, you spend the 30 bucks on that one and it breaks 3 months down the road and now you have to spend more money ect. You need to figure out what is best for you but I am just suggesting what works. You might get lucky and get a smart cham that can find its food source in a big cage, all chams are different.
My baby sambava cup feed the second day in his 6ft tall 3ft wide cage after being take out of his little 24 inch cage. Most would say he is too small for this cage but I tried it and it worked so cross your fingers. the point is that if it didnt work for me then I still had the small cage to put him in.
Get soem silk worms too they are healthy and you can put them all over the cage and they dont get away.
Email me and I will reply with that attachemnt on cham care the breader gave me. It will answer all your questions.