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Old 05-22-2005, 07:47 AM   #23
Here is an email I received from Lisa

This is a message from redneckchic2204 at FaunaClassifieds Forums ( http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/forums/index.php ). The FaunaClassifieds Forums owners cannot accept any responsibility for the contents of the email.

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This is the message:

Audry Payne,

First off i will say my husband and i are not perfect. Second i would like to say no you probably did not get a chance to meet me due to the fact i was at the door both days and really did not get much of a break from it. What you read in these emails i may not always use the right punctuation but that does not make me stupid. As for me educating people i can say i may not know everything about reptiles but i know enough and I am sure you do not know everything either and i am pretty sure you make mistakes as well as everyone else. Yes we do appreciate everything Cathy and her family did and have stated that but apparently everyone fails to see that and are just focusing on the bad points of the show. We did not ask Cathy and them to do everything they did and we did not make them. We are sorry for the way things have turned out but the stuff that is being said are lies. There is more behind half of the stuff that is being said but anything we say or do to prove ourselves no!
body would like to listen. I am not going to sit here and argue with anybody. The reason Cathy and her family did stay in touch with you is probably due to the fact everytime we asked for any new vendors she got we did not get. You have heard what they have to say and have seen what i have to say and if i do a typo i am stupid from what i get from all this. NO we have not responded to what is being said because we have better things to do than sit here and waste time defending ourselves when it does not do a bit of good. I am sorry i did not get to talk to you as much as i would have liked to but it does not mean i was doing nothing. I was helping other vendors. The show could have been better and I'll be the first to say that. WE hope you do well at all your shows and i imagine what i have said in this email will get around so i can get called more nasty names. If you would like i can forward you some emails from people who are supposed to be so called proffesionals on wh!
ere they do nothing but threaten, call names and get into our personal
life which is irrelevant to the show. Good luck with your upcoming shows.
Best Regards,
The Campbells

Hey Lisa,
First let me point out that I do not know everything about reptiles. However, I am proud to say that I can tell you anything you want to know about the reptiles I breed. I'm not a herpetologist. But I am a PROFESSIONAL HERPETOCULTURIST. You are so naive that you probably don't know the difference. Your reputation has been shot all to hell. It's not my fault that you & your husband lie, cheat, steal, and try to scam people. Maybe it would be best for the both of you to get out of the reptile business. You two could always start breeding guppies. Oh, they do require water.
I'm not going to waste any more of my precious time with you. You just aren't important enough for me to give a crap about. I don't care about your problems, thoughts, concerns, desires, and I sure don't care about your opinions!!
Good-bye & good riddance. You've been hauled to the dump with the rest of the trash.
Audry Payne