FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Totally heartbroken
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Old 05-31-2005, 10:01 PM   #1
Totally heartbroken

Okay, I was going into my room tonight to feed all the geckos. While I walking over to the crested cage I heard this weird rustling noise. When i look in I see my female crested flipping around and thrashing like crazy. Then she just stopped and now she is dead. She had like some sort of serizure. At first I though maybe the male bit her (not that he ever had before, but she was flipping out) but the male was "sleeping" peacefully in one of the hides. She just died. I'm so upset, but it's more of a confused upset. Is this common, or at least not uncommon enough for me to worry? They ate crickets and peach baby food mixed with the crested diet and I think she ate three waxworms in her entire year and a half old life.

The only upside to the whole thing is I'm getting three leos from Overton tomorrow. I guess I just needed to vent.