FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - first baby with the craziest pattern for me...BIG downside though
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Old 06-15-2005, 12:49 AM   #28
Golden Gate Geckos
uh oh...

Do you use certified organic vegetables? Maybe that is part of the problem.
Organic vegetables are grown in manure, which can be very high in nitrogen AND bacteria. Veggies should always be washed before feeding them to anything... even bugs.
I am 100% sure the problems I have had in previous seasons was a direct result of the way I supplemented my geckos.
I have a very strong hunch that is what's going on with some of my problems, too. More than half of my losses this year are directly connected with a double power failure and 30% of my breeding stock being new, but there is definitely something else going on with the rest. I do not inbreed, so that's not the problem with my geckos... and I have been extremely careful in choosing my new breeder stock from reputable breeders and NOT gecko mills.

Last year, I switched from my normal regimen of RepCal calcium w/VitD and Herptivite to the T-Rex Sandfire Leopard Gecko Dust, and had ZERO fertile eggs for over 2 months until I switched back! This year is the first year I have used Vionate in my gutload, and I strongly suspect that is what's going on. It is the only thing I have done differently from previous years. The next time I change products/regimens, I am going to use a 'control' group and NOT switch all of my colonies at once!