FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - advice on hand taming blue masked lovebird
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Old 07-01-2005, 10:20 PM   #5
Karen Hulvey
That little guy is called a double dark blue masked lovebird. Quite a mouthful, huh?

You can't work on the step up command until he is no longer afraid of your hands. This will take some time and he may never be unafraid of your hands. Keep holding him and try to make him see that you're not going to hurt him. He will eventually seek you out to be friends with but, again, it will take time.

My first peachfaced lovebird, Greenie, is like that. He loves me, will fly to me, play on my back, shoulders, steal earrings, chew hair, run down my arms, play on the table in front of me but if he even thinks I may touch him with my hand he freaks out and flies to my shoulder and hides under my hair. If I catch him in my hand, then he screams bloody murder. He is terrified of hands. He was parent raised and I bought him from an ad in the paper. He had fledged the week before I bought him so he was very young but still not hand raised. I tried & tried to make him hand tame but I could not do it. He's now 5 y/o.

Keep posing updates and good luck.