FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - NERD supports Voids and plays with them
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Old 07-09-2005, 01:41 PM   #74
Wow. What message does it send a child when he or she sees it is ok to touch a gaboon viper, or have their picture taken with a cobra or whatever it was.

Gary is right, if one of those animals bit someone, first of all it's going to hurt like hell (think long fangs), second of all what if the media gets ahold of it?

I don't think the young man that brought this here should be the one being scrutinized here, it is NERD that should be. What the hell were they thinking?

One doesn't need to use venomoids to educate folks that snakes aren't yucky/scary/horrible animals at an event such as the one that took place. Pleanty of other non venomous snakes can achieve the same thing.

Sounds like some are rescues and some NERD actually purchased from someone. Either way. My advice to them is: don't go playing with your venomous/venomoids is public like that. That's wrong and at least one person at NERD knows that damn well. Perhaps that person can talk some sense into the other people (person) at NERD and this won't happen anymore. No offense meant to anyone, this is just how I see it. Maybe I am wrong and it is ok, I dunno.

OK, back to my hellish existance again. Just had to post something on this one though. Couldn't believe the tongue lashing the originator of the thread was getting, sheesh.