FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bill Leverton SCAMMER beware
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Old 07-11-2005, 05:29 PM   #84
Originally Posted by ben siegel
GOOD LORD---IT IS THE SAME SNAKE ALREADY--NO DOUBT--INVERT THAT TAIL PATTERN WENDY AND TAKE THE PIC AT A DIFFERENT ANGLE AND IT WILL LOOK DIFFERENT---THE GUY SCAMMED LEE---GOT VICIOUSLY BUSTED AND NOW HAS TO PAY THE PRICE FOR STEALING MONEY--BECAUSE WHEN IT COMES DOWN TO IT---HE STOLE MONEY FROM LEE----STOLE MONEY!!!--that is it-it is done-that is as crooked as it gets-i love how he got religous at one point in a post he put up-seems like some people tend to do that as well when they are scamming you out of money. The best thing this guy could do right now is grow a set---admit he lied and stole and take his medicine. I mean for christ sakes--he has children-what kind of example does he want to set for them?-
Ok first off Ben other then this thread here theres never been one bad thing ever said about me.Now for the religion thing it didnt just pop up as of this post It happened on account of a near death thing.And about my kids what kind of example did I set, Hummm I must of set a good one seeing as they are out defending our country and our right to be posting this. so let me get this straight If I lie and say ya I stole Lee snake then this all stops????