FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bill Leverton SCAMMER beware
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Old 07-11-2005, 07:31 PM   #114
Rebel Dragons
Originally Posted by Ophis
Yea..........your sorry you got busted!!!.......What a scum bag scammer you turned out to be my friend. I wouldn't buy anything from you in a million years and anyone with knowldge of your scumbag antics who does buy from you ought to have their head examined.

What a Jack ass.

You obviously have strong feelings about this and it's great to share them but the name calling and insults are not needed.

People make mistakes. Some people can forgive, some never will. As Dan said he is not a 3 strikes and your out kind of guy. I am a 2 strikes kind of guy, call it a character flaw if you will. You and Dan obviously agree on this issue but at least he posted his feelings with a little tact.