FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - My new beardie Viv......
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Old 07-30-2005, 10:00 AM   #6
Matt Haines
Originally Posted by prodigy9618
I think that your set up is fine. I am new to dealing with dragons and was told that keeping 2 at a different size was a bad idea and that keeping 2 males was even worst. I've had 2 males for 3 weeks now one is about 9 weeks old and the other 14 weeks and a pretty big size difference and Ive had no problems. They even seem to cuddle when they go to bed. The smaller one at first was scared and did all the submissive things you read about, but not anymore. Just make sure they dont miss a meal and I would think you would be ok.
You will find that may change when breeding season comes around or a female is within view.