FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - strange deformity in hatchling
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Old 08-02-2005, 01:09 AM   #1
strange deformity in hatchling

This is my second clutch of corns from my first two corn snakes, and there happened to be 27 eggs. So far 13 snakes have emerged, and the first 12 look really really healthy. The thirteenth still had some umbilical cord hanging from it when I pulled it out, so I'm wondering if somehow it got broken and this snake hasn't gotten everything it needs. As well it has an extremely deformed head and I really don't think both eyes are there and working. It does seem to be sensitive to light, but doesn't seem to hold water very well and I've seen no tongue. I got it to drink some water and it seems to be doing okay, but this snake is really weak compared to the others.

Is there anything I can do to make sure it has the best chance of pulling through? I really would hate to see it die, even though it seems to have extensive problems.