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Old 08-09-2005, 12:44 AM   #37
Wow, cool news...

okay, I've shared in this thread the events surrounding Euphrates' clutch. The eggs were all huge, five of them much larger than the others. On day 50 they started to sweat. I ended up opening up 5 of the seven eggs after they appeared to have fully died. I found 3/4 term babies in the eggs. Dead. *sigh* But there were two eggs that hadn't started to sweat. I had hope for them.

A couple of days ago one of the two remaining eggs appeared to be dead/dying too and since I expected the eggs to be full term, I opened it up in hopes of saving the baby. Alas, I found a baby who must have died within three or four days of opening up the previous eggs. It was slightly more developed, looked like a "ghost" in that only half the final level of pigment had come in. The first five babies had only the slightest trace of their final patterns/pigment.

Well when I came home from work today I looked in on the final egg (which I had decided to NOT open until it started to sweat/mold/appear finally dead). It was starting to look like it would be sweating any time soon. I put the lid back on the egg box and did half a dozen other things, and then a few moments ago I looked in on the egg-box and saw that the egg was half collapsed and sweating up a storm. I went ahead and slit it fully open and saw a fully pigmented baby inside the egg. What I usually do when I open up an egg is close my tiny pair of scissors and give the baby a gentle prod with the scissors. This time I was already convinced the baby was dead, so I slid the scissors under a loop of the baby and went to lift the (as I suppposed) corpse out... well darned if the loop of baby snake didn't slide right off. Odd, I thought, and I tried again, and it again slid off. That's when it hit me... this baby wasn't dead!!! It was alive! I'd saved it? Maybe? Hopefully! Pretty baby! I sure hope I did save the baby! Of course I immediately left it alone so it could come out of the egg in its own time. It's got it's head poking out and is flicking it's tongue like any normal baby.

Anyway, I thought I would share.

My other clutch that has been hatching out a bit at a time is down to two more babies left to crawl out of the egg!