FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Marion County Humane Society/Animal Cruelty Division (long)
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Old 08-09-2005, 05:23 AM   #2
Ken Foose
Tom, I don't understand. Are you saying that your landlord just came over and shut off your air conditioner? Who was paying for the power, you, or was it included in the rent? Why was an air conditioner company called in, to have it turned back on, or to install something new? I pay for my electricity in my store, which I do believe is common practice in a rental shop, and the idea of ANYONE trying to mess with my store makes me want to explode. Air conditioning is near and dear to my heart, being in Vegas and all. If the power was part of the rental fee, did he at least come and consult with you before turning the air off? Perhaps offering to pay a bit extra for the extra power would have been needed? I'm not sure of your situation, which is why I'm asking the questions I am. Good luck in your fight and good luck at your new location.