FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Special offerings for contributor members?
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Old 08-28-2005, 07:39 PM   #5
Originally Posted by Jim O

You could simply make listing in the classifieds open to paid members only. For $10/year you get to list as many items as you like. Simply put, this site has a high volume of traffic and it's worth $10 to have your ad(s) seen. There's a value that people might see rather than the complaint of "Why would I pay $10 to post about a negative experience on the BOI?". And that wouldn't cause you any extra work or headaches.
Wanna bet?

I would be innundated with emails from people asking why they can't post ads any longer. I got those kinds of posts every single day when I switched from the forum based classifieds to the current system. And I'm still not convinced that charging specifically for the classifieds won't be the death knell for that system here. Then we would still face the problem of allowing unrestricted posting on the BOI of returning to the garbage we have all seen when it was available to all non-paid members. Personally, I don't want to return to that at all. I do believe that the paid verification process is being extremely helpful in keeping the chaff out of the wheat there. If an occasional piece of wheat doesn't get into the pot, then so be it.