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Old 09-14-2005, 09:21 AM   #137
buyer looses money?

So, from my perspective, the quality of customer service for the
recipient of the packages should weigh more heavily than that for the
sender. After all, as the buyer I lose all my money and end up with
no animal if the carrier loses or fails to deliver live. The seller
still has my money. JMO

My understanding of the contracts with DHL and FED EX are that they will not reimburse for loss of animal but only the shipping charges. So someone is out either an animal or money. Read carefully the Terms of Service of the breeder. Some guarantee live deliver barring shipping snafus. Some guarantee live delivery only if using Delta. Personally, we take the hit if the shipper screws up and there is a loss. The buyers money sits in a separate account until their return period ends. We prefer to use DHL because for us they are the fastest. We have had snafus with all the shippers over the years. Most of the time they are all reliable enough barring circumstance such as yours (location). If someone is buying a 50k ball I would take it to them personally. They should get it in person that is for sure, but I would do the trasporting.