FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - first rule of business
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Old 11-23-2002, 01:33 PM   #22
Originally posted by AdamBlock
First let's remember one key point.  The age range of 28 to 128 all have the same common factor.  A lack of computers in our youth, schools and education.  There are many great sites out there made by 13 year olds.  On the flip side some of the best breeders have either no site or a fairly poor site.
I have something to say on this point. If someone is running a business (either a side business or as their main enterprise) and they are dependent on internet sales, they need to make the effort to have a solid website! I can't even count the number of webpages I have tried to look at in a search for reptiles where I literally can not read the content - it simply does not show up because of programming errors. In most cases, the text will show up if I use Netscape/Mozilla or IE, but not the lesser-known browsers. I've also come across tons of websites that are usable only with a good deal of work on my part - all because someone didn't program the JavaScript correctly. Any decent website will be viewable in any browser, that should just be basic.

There is a simple solution to not being able to put together a solid website yourself: Hire someone!

I know that for someone who sells the occassional animal, a professionally done website may be out of reach. But for someone who sells animals online regularly? I asked a couple of quick questions of my husband (who is a programmer/web designer) and got confirmation that a basic website for a small business would start at about $300 and a more complex one would be about 3-4 times that cost.

I'm not going to say that everyone in this business can afford that - I've seen plenty of people say that if you are going to get into the reptile business, you better be plenty prepared to lose money. But I will say this: I don't care how good your references are, if I can't manage to navigate my way through your site - with a minimum of hassle - you've lost my business before you ever had it. Might it not be worth the investment in presentation?

And here's my disclaimer: I do not have an internet business of any type. I am simply a reptile-loving pet owner who is comfortable conducting lots of my business online.