FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - How Do You House Your Hots?
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Old 09-30-2005, 05:40 PM   #7
Originally Posted by Junkyard
Mike, thanks for the reply. With keeping the snakes in locked cages I like that you also kept them in locked rooms, that is a very smart idea. Having to unlock the door into the snake room I am sure it would remind you which room you were going into and put you on extra watch.
Well, none of these guys are doing anything special...they are simply doing things the way they should be done. Hots should ALWAYS be kept in locking cages (or secure rack systems), and ideally should be kept in a room of their own that can lock. In addition, all vents in that room should be covered with fine mesh, all windows as well (the ideal hot room doesn't have windows), weather stripping flush with the underneath of doors, etc. Anyone keeping hots in their bedrooms or in fish tanks is just asking for trouble. That being said, I don't see a problem with people keeping non-lethal opisthoglyphic species like false water cobras (Hydrodynastes gigas), mangrove snakes (Boiga dendrophila), and asian vine snakes (Ahaetulla sp.), so long as they are kept in secure enclosures.