FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Reptile Direct - Awful Customer Service
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Old 10-10-2005, 12:52 AM   #7
Ken Foose
The bad bulb is not a rare thing

I sell about 15 or so of these fancy uv heat lamps every week. I carry 4 different brands, and although I have found that one is better ie: longer lasting then the others, they are all pretty crappy in my opinion. Sure, they work great, and provide what they are supposed to.....for the short period of time that they work. Having one stop working within an eight hour period is not unusual at all. I replace about 4-5 of these bulbs every week. I can't be the only vendor with this happening to them. So, I do expect that these people, if they sell a lot of these bulbs, is having to replace a bunch also. Why they are stalling, I have no clue. I have not used the brand that we are talking about, so I don't know what the manuf. warranty is. I give a 6 month warrenty on all these uv bulbs I sell, and I bet I replace about a third of them before the warranty is up. Of course, some of my customers most likely break them with one month to go, just to get a new free bulb, but that's life. It's too bad though, that customer service hardly happens anymore.