FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - The Disturbing Trend of Price Slashing in the reptile hobby/industry
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Old 11-28-2002, 02:20 PM   #30
Neil Gubitz
Rich.... you're kidding, right?? This statement you made....

...They are probably going to feel that they did something wrong, or perhaps they just are not qualified enough to keep a snake alive, then go get a puppy or a kitten instead. "No Junior, you can't have a snake because your first one died. Remember?"...

.... I don't think you realized what you said.... any novice that buys an animal, and is given wrong advice, or even correct advice, and the animal dies.... the buyer will blame the seller! No question! There is no way that he will blame himself.... your snake was either sick when he bought it, or it had some sort f abnormality that should have been seen by the seller BEFORE it was sold, yadda, yadda, yadda.... That is why it's critical for breeders NOT to sell the "non-perfect", too young, or more care than a twelve year old can give.... until the animals are healthy enough, or old enough to handle a new environment.... because you KNOW they won't get the same care as they're used to??
If too many "weekend warriors" are out there just to make a quick buck, never to be heard from again until NEXT YEAR.... it's going to make it very tough for the PROFESSIONALS to compete....
